Aug. 2017 Great Lakes Exchange: Designing for Emergence & Chaos

Thank you to everyone that joined us for the Great Lakes Collaborative.  We had a phenomenal experience with 25 in-person attendees and 14 global participants for our keynote webinar.  Here are some of the highlights.

 Theo Stiegler, Chris Simon, and Steve Cady walk us through the graphic recording and touch on the key points from the weekend.

"When we do the NEXUS4change events, what we're doing is using the methods, as we learn about the methods, as we build community around the methods and our collective capability and individual capability to do this work better in the world."

During the Exchange, over a dozen global participants joined our regional event via webinar. Peggy Holman discussed how we design for emergence in the midst of chaos, which involves creating a space for generative questions, diversity, and being welcoming. Tom Devane extends the discussion by emphasizing the importance of before activities to prepare for change and after activities to integrate event outcomes with daily operation.

Webinar: What to do when you don't know what to do!